Clipa Magazine
Freelance deputy editor and book reviewer for Romanian cultural-academic magazine Clipa:
- Writing book reviews for every issue
- Proofreading and editing all materials from contributing authors: members of the Romanian Academy, university professors, authors, and additional cultural personalities
- Working alongside editor-in-chief and DTP artist for content curation and final publishing
- Maintaining relationships with contributing authors for collecting materials
Gia is my child of letters, words, and love. She is becoming, as time goes by, a Renaissance figure of the digital century. Paradoxically, but true! She writes with a fierce and endearing passion, composes, sings, and, as of late, photographs emotions. When she breathes, she creates. Gia is a beautiful world that I want to live in. She is Gia.
Alexandra Sararu
Editor-in-Chief, Clipa Magazine